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An Exciting First Week of Teaching

Upon arriving at her site three weeks ago, ETA Molly Gleason has been busy getting to know her students and co-teachers at SMKN 3 Pekanbaru. During the first week of teaching, grade 10 students were introduced to new adjectives to describe objects. Molly and her co-teachers devised a fun way to accomplish this lesson. After learning the new vocabulary words, students tested their skills through an interactive game called “What’s in the Box?”

Students were asked to come to the front of the classroom and reach into a box where they would feel an object. Upon touching the object, students used new vocabulary words to describe the object, such as bumpy, pointy, soft, and hard. The rest of the class, seeing exactly what the student was touching, shouted out “Yay” or “Nay,” depending on whether the chosen vocabulary word fit the object or not. This proved to be a fun activity for students and teachers to check for comprehension. Pictured here is a one-tenth grader holding a plastic egg. She described the object as smooth and round, to which the class agreed!

Molly Gleason is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Pekanbaru.

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