September 2023 Edition

Welcome to the first edition of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights from the 2023-24 cohort! This marks an extraordinary moment in the history of the Indonesian ETA program as it returns after a three-year hiatus since the global Covid-19 pandemic. Eleven new English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) from the United States arrived in Indonesia on August 20, 2023, marking the commencement of their transformative journey.

Following their arrival and a brief acclimatization in Jakarta, which included meetings with the AMINEF team and an esteemed luncheon with the United States Ambassador, these ETAs embarked on a venture to Yogyakarta. They started an intensive two-week orientation program there, immersing themselves in language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and exploring Indonesian culture.

Upon the successful completion of the rigorous orientation, the ETAs and their counterparts began the next phase of their journey, departing for their respective teaching sites on September 8, 2023. This year, our ETAs teach in public (SMA) and vocational (SMK) high schools across North Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Central Java, Yogyakarta, South Kalimantan, and North Sulawesi. Already, they have been making an impact and have some captivating stories to share about their engagement!

The Fulbright ETA Program, a distinguished initiative funded by the US Department of State and carried out in numerous countries worldwide, positions recent college graduates and young professionals as English teaching assistants in primary and secondary schools or universities overseas. This program serves a dual purpose of enhancing the English language proficiency and knowledge of the United States for international students while also elevating language skills and deepening the understanding of the host countries amongst the US participants. In Indonesia, the Fulbright ETAs are placed in high schools, where they assist local English teachers. This enduring program, spanning 18 years, has left an incredible mark on countless Indonesian students and their communities across the sprawling archipelago.

Founded as a binational Fulbright Commission in 1992, AMINEF (American Indonesian Exchange Foundation) oversees the Fulbright Program and other US State Department exchange initiatives in Indonesia. AMINEF collaborates closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to select the schools that welcome ETAs.

The Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights is a unique platform for our ETAs to reflect upon and share memorable experiences throughout their grant tenure.

In this inaugural September edition, the ETAs will detail their first month at their respective sites in Indonesia. Join us in reading their stories about first impressions, classroom activities, and extracurricular engagements as they navigate their Fulbright experience and leave an enduring legacy of cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams

We would love to receive your feedback.

Please share your favorite stories with us, including those that you found interesting, your preferred teaching methods, or activities you’d like to learn more about. You can email us at We’ll feature your feedback in our upcoming highlights, and you might even have a chance to win a special thank-you gift from us. 


Indonesian ETA Orientation

The new ETAs of the 2023-24 cohort were welcomed into Indonesia late at night on August 20, arriving with great anticipation. In Jakarta, they had a few meetings with US Foreign Service Officers the subsequent morning, giving them a security briefing and providing Citizen Services resources. They had the privilege of dining with US Ambassador Sung.. Read More.

Embracing Tradition in Cangkringan

As ETA Parker Raybourne began his first week at SMK 1 Cangkringan, he had the opportunity to participate in one of the school’s most distinctive traditions. While the school commences each week with a flag ceremony, the grand ceremony, held once each month, is a testament to the institution’s semi-military learning style. This ceremony brings.. Read More.

Bedhol Projo Parade

In her first two weeks, ETA Allison Gross has been met with opportunities to immerse herself in the vibrant culture of Sedayu at every turn. One memorable event was the Bedhol Projo parade, a splendid display of local traditions and community spirit. Accompanied by her counterpart, Ibu Martini, as well as her gracious host, Ibu Retno,.. Read More.

SMKN 3 Manado Job Fair

During his first week at the site, ETA Harrison Crawford was invited to a celebration on the anniversary of his host school, SMKN 3, in Manado, North Sulawesi. The vocational school celebrated its anniversary and exceptional job placement rates by inviting students and employers to a job fair in the Manado Mega Mall featuring food, cake,.. Read More.

English Club: Highlighting American Cultural Diversity in the Dark

On Friday, September 29, ETA Avery Erickson hosted her first English club meeting with students across different vocational programs at her school. Wanting to facilitate new bonds between students while introducing the diversity of American culture, Avery created an “American Regions Personality Quiz” for each student to complete. The questions ranged from preferences of food (“Would.. Read More.

Lok Baintan, a traditional floating market!

For ETA Natalie Suh, September was an exciting month in Banjarmasin that consisted of a Banjarese wedding, a trip to a floating market, and time in the classroom to get to know students. After her first week of classroom observation, the English teachers at SMKN 3 took Natalie out for an excursion to Lok Baintan (a.. Read More.

Sasirangan Saturdays

ETA Lillian Rhinehart was able to attend a Sasirangan workshop with her English co-teachers, Ibu Nita and Ibu Yulia. Here, Lily not only got to learn how to sew, band together the design, and dye Sasirangan but also gained valuable insight into the origins of the art. Sasirangan is the traditional clothing of South Kalimantan… Read More.

An Exciting First Week of Teaching

Upon arriving at her site three weeks ago, ETA Molly Gleason has been busy getting to know her students and co-teachers at SMKN 3 Pekanbaru. During the first week of teaching, grade 10 students were introduced to new adjectives to describe objects. Molly and her co-teachers devised a fun way to accomplish this lesson. After learning.. Read More.

Evening English Chats

During her first week at SMAN 1 Matauli Pandan, ETA Katrien Weemaes was delighted to meet the countless students and teachers eager to practice their English skills. While remembering everyone’s names posed a daunting challenge, Katrien was determined to make personal connections with her school community’s kind and generous members. To further these efforts, Katrien.. Read More.

Last Minute Test Preparation!

The first two weeks of October are widely dreaded by SMAS Nurul Ilmi Padang Sidimpuan students as the period of mid-year exams. Understandably, many students were feeling nervous about the upcoming English test. Taking place on the night of September 30, 2023, ETA Luke Losié organized a last-minute English study session at many students’ request. While.. Read More.

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