This month ETA Amy Quirion had the pleasure of attending her first full, traditional Batak wedding. In her time here, Amy has attended now three Batak weddings, but did not attend the full ceremony of the past two weddings. On March 17th, Amy’s friend Stevi got married and invited Amy along with two other friends to join the full ceremony. All wearing the same colorful kebaya (traditional wedding attire), the three friends attended the wedding from 08:00 in the morning until almost 22:00 at night. The day was filled with a beautiful wedding ceremony in the Batak church, followed by the traditional ceremony of giving the bride away to the grooms’ family. This was followed by lots of Batak food, songs and dancing. The wedding was a great experience and she is excited to attend two more in her time here. Wearing a kebaya in hot weather and for that long is hard work and Amy has found even more reasons to appreciate women of this culture!
Amy Quirion is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Balige, North Sumatra
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