February 2024 Edition

As we embrace the month of February, we embark on a journey filled with dedication, innovation, and cultural exchange. In this edition of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights, we celebrate the ETAs’ commitment to nurturing English language proficiency and fostering cross-cultural understanding in classrooms across Indonesia. This month, we proudly feature the AMINEF-sponsored WORDS competition, where ETAs and one student from their respective schools converge in Jakarta to showcase their storytelling prowess and celebrate the magic of literature. Join us as we revel in the transformative power of education and the boundless potential it unlocks.

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams

We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is most fun, or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more about. Email us at communications@aminef.or.id, and we’ll post your feedback in the following newsletter. You may win a special thank-you gift from us.


WORDS Storytelling and Storybook Competition 2024

From February 5 through 7, 2024, eleven high school students and their Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) were gathered in Jakarta for the National WORDS Storytelling and Storybook Competition. The competition, held at @america, and the series of activities ETAs and participants do during the week have always been the program’s highlight. It allows the.. Read More.

Educator Engagement – Faculty English Sessions at SMKN 1 Cangkringan

This month, the faculty at SMKN 1 Cangkringan completed the third session of ETA Parker Raybourne’s English seminars. These seminars aim to provide English language opportunities and resources to faculty at Parker’s school. To execute each seminar, Parker works closely with Ibu Latifah (his counterpart), co-teachers, and school administration to craft sessions encouraging faculty to.. Read More.

Dreams Do Come True! WORDS 2024

The 2024 National WORDS Competition theme was Dreams, and the experience was nothing short of one! ETA Lily Rhinehart was joined by her student, Balqis, in Jakarta to participate in AMINEF’s National English Storytelling Competition in February. After hosting the local competition in January, ETA Lily and Balqis spent weeks together having fun, practicing Balqis’.. Read More.

Student Explorers Create Travel Brochures in American Culture Corner

Students love to ask ETA Tineer, “So what is it like in America?” She usually answers that America is extremely diverse, like Indonesia, where different regions experience different lifestyles. Desiring to have discussions with students in a more intimate setting, she created the American Culture Corner in the library, where they compared customs and themes… Read More.

Elections and English Lessons

February 14 was the date of the presidential election in Indonesia. Many of ETA Natalie Suh’s 11th-grade students were excited and passionate about voting for the first time, as the voting age in Indonesia is 17. Given the excitement, she thought it was only fit to have a fun English lesson around elections. Students learned.. Read More.

An Exciting First Week of Teaching

On February 24, 2024, ETA Molly Gleason hosted an exciting initiative at SMKN 3 Pekanbaru. Students and teachers came together for a tree-planting project that enriched the campus, fostered environmental responsibility, and boosted English language skills. The project aimed to achieve multiple goals: environmental enhancement, education and awareness, and English language development. The project aimed.. Read More.

Crossroads of P-5 (Pancasila) and Black History

An objective of the Fulbright Program is cultural exchange; Fulbrighters not only do their jobs but are encouraged to engage in cultural exchange within their community/site. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology runs the P-5 project to instill Pancasila within its students. Students can have lots of free time, which is an amazing.. Read More.

Class or Restaurant?

At SMK Negeri 3 Manado, the focus of every daily activity is preparing students to find better success in the future job market and while working at their jobs. Teachers from different departments hold meetings to coordinate lesson topics and design integrated lessons that test skills from many different topics at once, with an eye.. Read More.

SMP (junior high schools) Outreach and Cultural Exchange

Since ETA Luke Losie arrived at SMAS Nurul Ilmi in Padangsidimpuan, he has taught exclusively at the senior high school with the tenth and eleventh grades. The junior and senior high schools are all wrapped into one campus, so the students from the junior high school have been eager to practice English and get to.. Read More.

Fostering Connection Through Joyful Learning

Drawing from her interest in early childhood education, ETA Katrien Weemaes was driven to delve deeper into the international education landscape in Indonesia while forging new connections in the local community. She dedicates her Saturday mornings to volunteering at SDN Aksara Pandan, a nearby elementary school. Enlisting the help of her 11th-grade students from SMAN.. Read More.

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