SMP (junior high schools) Outreach and Cultural Exchange

Since ETA Luke Losie arrived at SMAS Nurul Ilmi in Padangsidimpuan, he has taught exclusively at the senior high school with the tenth and eleventh grades. The junior and senior high schools are all wrapped into one campus, so the students from the junior high school have been eager to practice English and get to know Luke on campus. Given his light Friday schedule, SMP Nurul Ilmi invited Luke to tour different classes at the school, engaging in English conversation practice and joining their English classes starting February 16.

Luke has visited six English classes over two weeks, and hopefully, more to come. While he came prepared with stories and games, students appeared more interested in conversing, asking questions, and exploring the differences and commonalities between Indonesian and American cultures. The students’ inquisitiveness was unmatched, with discussions ranging from snow and winter to the intricacies of American football. Luke was also able to understand better the process of English education in Indonesia and Indonesians’ perspectives on American society. The February visits were an excellent way for SMP students to practice their English and were full of fruitful and fascinating conversations about cultural exchange.

Luke Losie is currently teaching at SMAS Nurul Ilmi Padang Sidimpuan, North Sumatra.

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