Dr Mary McCarthy
Award Year: 2019

The pathways of a person’s life can go in many directions. This would be the story Dr Mary McCarthy would tell about how she never would have predicted that her career would lead her to Bandung, Indonesia, to work with social work colleagues to develop curriculum that continues strengthening the practice of social work in Indonesia.

Mary has expertise in curriculum development and workforce capacity building, which was an excellent match for Indonesia. There is a new requirement for social work to develop a professional study year, which students enter upon completion of the undergraduate social work degree leading to certification as a social worker. The Social Work Department at the Padjadjaran University in Bandung, West Java, is developing this curriculum now and she is able to bring tools and ideas from the US to share as they prepare to launch their program. In addition to work on the curriculum, Mary will have the opportunity to meet with the professional social work associations to discuss long term development of this important profession.

Mary’s work started in the 1970s in Central New York as a children’s worker in a Settlement House and then as a child welfare caseworker. Following her master’s degree, Mary was again working in child welfare and received an invitation to join the faculty at the University at Albany’s School of Social Welfare in the field education office. Fast forward to today where, after 32 years in higher education, her commitment to and passion for social work continues to grow as she has the opportunity to meet and teach undergraduate students who are the future of her profession and the world.

This opportunity to share information and tools from the US also allows Mary to identify potential cross-national research opportunities, encourage young faculty to consider applying to be a Fulbright Scholar and come to the US to expand their research and look for ways to create pathways for students interested in furthering their education abroad. It is a wonderful way to share her expertise in service of long term linkages between the University at Albany and Padjadjaran University.

Last Updated: Mar 28, 2024 @ 4:12 pm
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