During the week of December 16, exams were finishing and end of the semester reports were being submitted by teachers at SMAN 2 Demak. ETA Tessa Sontheimer was surprised by a gift from SMAN 2 Demak student Aura Silvyana on December 17 which was a key chain and mirror with a photo from the English class. During the week Tessa visited class during the remedial sessions and administered a survey asking students for their opinions about English class and activities. Based on what students shared, Bu Dian, Pak Rozzaq, and Tessa will shape the lesson plans for next semester.
To celebrate the close of the semester there was bakso provided to all the teachers for lunch one day. Bakso is a very special lunch at SMA 2 Negeri Demak as it’s not available at the canteen and is only for special occasions. Delicious lunch and reflections about the semester were shared by all the teachers in the ruang guru. Semangat!
Tessa Sontheimer is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Demak, Central Java.
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