During the month of December, schools in Indonesia become consumed with end of semester testing. This leaves ETAs with the choice of connection to other communities outside of their host schools, traveling to another part of Indonesia to learn more about the diversity of the country, or simply relaxing and taking time to reflect before the new semester begins. Some ETAs put their time management skills to use and made time for all three. The December edition of the ETA Monthly Highlights reflects these stories. Read them below.
Many thanks to all of the ETAs for their wonderful stories and photos.
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End of the semester survey, celebrations, & thank yous!
During the week of December 16, exams were finishing and end of the semester reports were being submitted by teachers at SMAN 2 Demak. ETA Tessa Sontheimer was surprised by a gift from SMAN 2 Demak student Aura Silvyana on December 17 which was a key chain and mirror with a photo from the English class… Read More.
On Saturday, December 8, 2019, ETA Maria Isabel “Isa” Nieves Bosch attended Global Challenge Festival, an event organized by Sebelas Maret University to inform and motivate students to study abroad. Isa was invited as a guest speaker and she shared her experience studying abroad in Europe, going to college in the United States, and the challenges of.. Read More.
At SMAN 1 Demak there were the end of semester events for teachers and students in December. The students finished taking their finals, and most teachers were done grading. On Monday, December 16, the teachers and ETA Madison “Maddy” Mele left school during the break to visit two teacher’s homes to send them off on their.. Read More.
One of the draws to Indonesia for ETA Nathan “Nate” Kumar was the diversity of the country. So, while students at his school were finishing up exams, Nate had the opportunity to travel to various regions within Indonesia. Between December 3 – 6 Nate was able to visit Tana Toraja in the South Sulawesi Province. In.. Read More.
There were a few things left to do at the school library and with the English Club before the start of festive celebrations. ETA Angela Zhu decided to continue the library English wall after International Education Week and posted the works of students. This month, facts about Día de los Muertos in both English and.. Read More.
This month, ETA Jillian Castoro’s monthly highlight was eating mie bakso with her students. Mie bakso is a traditional Indonesian dish. It features a soup containing noodles, fish meatballs and sometimes vegetables. While at the restaurant, the students practiced English while Jillian practiced her Bahasa Minang. They told Jillian about how mie bakso is one of the.. Read More.
During the month of December ETA Said Haji was asked to be interviewed by a few students from the English department of Lambung Mangkurat University. The students approached Said through a simple Instagram direct message, and from there they met up at a local cafe to conduct the interview Topics ranged from politics in Indonesia, education,.. Read More.
The time has surely flown by since ETA Sophia Lockwood arrived in Indonesia, but it’s not even half as impressive as the progress shown in the 10th English Club. Over five months, Sophia has seen all of her students shed some of their anxieties about learning and practicing English. Because of their progress, the school.. Read More.
Celebrations & Explorations in Salatiga
For many of the English Teaching Assistants, parts of December are spent away from traditional classroom teaching, as schools begin testing and the short holiday in between the semester starts. To celebrate the end of the semester, SMKN 2 Salatiga held a day-long ceremony that featured Zumba, presentations from various extracurricular groups, and of course,.. Read More.
The entire month of December was filled with exams and a well-deserved break for the teachers and students of MAN Temanggung. To celebrate the end of testing, the entire eleventh grade went on a road trip to Bali – and what a celebration it was! ETA Lucy Faust had spent over a week in New Zealand.. Read More.
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