An Exchange to Remember: Eleventh-graders debate with a special guest

Joseph (4)

On Thursday, November 14, ETA Joseph “Joe” Janik Miller moderated a debate in his eleventh-grade mathematics and natural science class at National High School 1 Padangsidimpuan. Joe was joined by co-teacher Bapak Jecson P. Sihombing and a surprise visitor Astrid Lim from the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) in Jakarta. Astrid’s visit proved memorable!

Students debated the role of technology in their lives. Earlier in the week, students presented speeches on the role of youth in facing technological change at a local English competition. A student gave a selection of her speech from the contest to inform the debate. One group argued that advances in technology represent a positive force in their lives and the other that technological change is generally negative. The group arguing against change cited the disruptive and unequal consequences of technological development. After opening statements, a heated back-and-forth took place with loud cheers and jeers from each side. Pak Jecson decided that those arguing against change made a stronger case, although they conceded that contemporary communication technology represents a positive development.

The class concluded with a reflection on the importance of connection. While contemporary technology allows people to connect around the globe like never before, it cannot replace in-person, international connection and exchange. Pak Jecson, Astrid, and Joe have all participated in international exchange before working with AMINEF, and they discussed the benefits of international education on her visit. Joe intends to help students participate in this exchange, too, if they wish.

Joseph “Joe” Janik Miller is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra.

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