Get Ready to Debate!

Darby 1

Darby 2

For April, ETA Darby Jones at SMA 2 Sangatta Utara had the pleasure of coaching the school’s English debate team and preparing them for a province-level competition in Samarinda. Her three students, Bintang, Fahrilio, and Gabriela, committed to working hard and learning as much as they could before their first-ever debate. The group learned how to build strong arguments, find weaknesses in arguments and form rebuttals, and develop public speaking skills. Darby observed her students grow in both confidence and competency through this process. Where the students originally voiced concerns about speaking in public, responding to challenges to their arguments, and fear of being assigned a position they didn’t agree with, all three competitors later remarked that they felt excited at the prospect of competing and ready to try their best in what was sure to be a competitive debate. Darby is so proud of their hard work and preparation, and she is excited to cheer them on during their competition on May 1-2. Wish us luck!

Darby Jones is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:04 pm
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