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Greg Sutton
Award Year: 2017

Home institution: Elon University
School placement: SMK Muhammadiyah 7, Gondanglegi Malang, East Java

Greg Sutton graduated from Elon University in 2014, where he majored in Political Science and International Studies. At Elon, Greg served as the secretary of Phoenix Pals, a campus organization that facilitates the American college campus experience for international exchange students at the University. He studied abroad for a month in Peru and spent his spring 2013 semester in Istanbul, Turkey. Greg previously interned at the US Embassy of France in Washington, DC and held a six-month Virtual Student Foreign Service internship with the Department of State, in which he worked virtually with high school students in Côte d’Ivoire to promote international exchange through study abroad. Greg has worked at English-immersion camps in both France and Turkey. Most recently, Greg worked at a non-profit organization in Washington, DC administering government-sponsored programs of travel and observation for foreign emerging leaders to the United States. He is fluent in French, conversant in Spanish, and in the process of learning Bahasa Indonesia.

Last Updated: Sep 12, 2018 @ 1:55 pm
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