Halloween Celebrations

Amanda (3)

Like all good festivities, ETA Amanda Cahn’s Halloween was a multi-day celebration. On October 28th, Amanda taught her counterpart Ibu Desy Angriani and Ibu Desy’s family how to carve pumpkins. It was a dark, rainy night as the family gathered around the dining room table and successfully carved three jack-o’-lanterns.

Freshly armed with the skills of the trade, Ibu Desy and Amanda teamed up on October 30th to teach the 11th grade students from SMA Don Bosco Padang how to carve pumpkins. Each pair of students had their own pumpkin and by the end of the period, they were proudly taking photos with their creations.

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On October 31st, Amanda spent Halloween night at a costume party with the 10th grade students, who were dressed as cats, zombies, serial killers, and the like. Since Halloween is not a very popular holiday in Indonesia, the students were extremely excited to celebrate together.

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Amanda Cahn is currently teaching at SMA Don Bosco Padang, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:04 am
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