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October 2018 Edition

Welcome to the October edition of Monthly Highlights for the 2018-19 cohort of Fulbright ETAs in Indonesia! In the stories submitted this month, you’ll read about ETAs engaging with their schools and host communities in various ways. Throughout the month, ETAs stayed busy by helping prepare students for competitions, connecting on a more personal level with students and teachers alike, and making the effort to give back with a #Pray4Palu initiative. Alongside these stories, the bulk of this month’s highlights are about Halloween celebrations. Celebrating holidays is a great way for ETAs to share aspects of their culture. Inside and outside of the classroom, ETAs held parties, carved pumpkins (and watermelon) to make jack-o-lanterns, and encouraged students to design their own spooky costumes. Click through the stories to read more!

Be sure to get next month’s newsletter!

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams


We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is most fun or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more. Email us at: socmedia@aminef.or.id and we’ll post your feedback in the next newsletter and you may win a special thank-you gift from us. 

What Our Readers Say

Thank you to our readers who emailed us their favorite articles from the September 2018 edition. Below are their emails:A note from AMINEF American Program and Communications team: Thank you to Ambassador Donovan for emailing us your comment on one of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights September 2018 articles entitled ‘Everybody Has Secrets’ written by ETA.. Read More.


In October, Central Sulawesi was devastated by an earthquake and tsunami, with a rising death toll. ETA Caroline Kim and the MAN Model 1 Manado community, located in North Sulawesi, came together to fundraise money for relief efforts in Palu, Donggala, and other affected areas. Through a series of Instagram stories, Caroline and the 2018.. Read More.

Where I’m From

In the classroom this month ETA Anna Ringheiser got the opportunity to incorporate some places close to her heart. For the unit on descriptive texts, Anna showed the students pictures from around her house and neighborhood in America. It was so engaging for the students and special to share for Anna. For the unit on.. Read More.

Try English First

During the first three months of ETA Riley Heist’s time in Indonesia, she noticed that students would use  Indonesian words when telling her and her co-teachers they were not finished yet, they were confused, or they would like something to be repeated. After noticing this, Riley decided to make a poster that included some key.. Read More.

Gettin’ Artsy in the Classroom

This month the students at SMAN 5 were able to get creative in the classroom. With the help of ETA Emma Barnes, students were instructed on the correct format and information to include in an invitation. Using her own birthday as an example, she described how to be concise and include things such as date,.. Read More.

Labu-Labu, Bulan Bahasa & Spelling Bee

October was a very busy month for MAN 1 Malang. In addition to celebrating Hari Santri, which involved dressing up and parading around Gondanglegi with music, students also prepared for 3-5 days for a student-favorite event, Bulan Bahasa at the end of October. The event celebrates cultures of Indonesia with a variety of activities, traditional.. Read More.

Cerebral Nutrient

When garden sprouts begin to show, add some nutrient to help them grow. In October, sprouts were nurtured from the garden to the classroom. Early October, students accompanied ETA Alexandra Gwynn and Ibu Sofi in making nutrient for SMKN 9 Malang’s garden. The process was researched and communicated in both English and Indonesian. The garden.. Read More.


“Wait so you walk around all night with friends in costumes and then people give you candy???” Needless to say ETA Andrew Shifren’s students wanted Halloween to come to Indonesia. They loved hearing about his exploits as a young boy in an orangutan costume during Halloween in the US. After learning about Halloween, they intently.. Read More.

Let’s Party!

ETA Darby Jones’ 11th grade English classes have been an absolute party this past month – literally! For the last lesson in the Party Time unit, Darby’s classes planned and executed their own party during class time. Together, students chose a theme, made decorations, developed a program for the party, dressed up, and brought food.. Read More.

It Takes a Whole Village

During the month of October, ETA Allison Cwikla from Temanggung, Central Java, officially began her first community engagement project. This project encompasses an effort to develop English skills and an interest in cross-cultural understanding with the young girls living and studying at the Pondok in Podomulyo, Allison’s homestay village. These young girls have provided Allison.. Read More.

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