Let’s Party!

Darby 1

ETA Darby Jones’ 11th grade English classes have been an absolute party this past month – literally! For the last lesson in the Party Time unit, Darby’s classes planned and executed their own party during class time. Together, students chose a theme, made decorations, developed a program for the party, dressed up, and brought food and drinks to share. The results were absolutely amazing.

Most parties started with a prayer and speeches from students and Darby and her counterpart. Special dance, singing, and storytelling performances by students were the highlights of every party. One class threw a Halloween party complete with lights, ghost and bat decorations, and Halloween music.

Darby 2

Darby shared some American culture with her students by teaching them popular line dances from the US and passing out candy she brought from home. It was a true cultural exchange as students shared traditional food from around Indonesia with Darby. Overall, everyone had a great time, and students enjoyed the challenge of using their English outside of a traditional educational setting. The special event encouraged even some of the quietest students to participate and practice their English in a safe and fun setting.

Darby Jones is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:04 am
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