Happy 80th Birthday Grafika!

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This month, SMKN 4 Malang, lovingly known as ‘Grafika,’ celebrated its 80th birthday with the usual fanfare and celebration that comes with such a big occasion. Every class, and every teaching department, dressed to a different theme and took part in many competitions and a parade.

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Among the competitions was the competition for best costume theme, along with best Yellow Rice Volcano, a talent show, and more! The English Department, including ETA Elena Dietz, dressed in the traditional clothes of Makassar, called Baju Bodo, and walked in the parade together, showing off their red and gold hairpieces and large gold necklaces and earrings. Other departments dressed in traditional clothes from Jakarta, as pirates, traditional clothes from Jogjakarta, and other creative ideas. The students got creative as well, some dressing as characters from popular movies, like Batman, and one class even wore the official black and white national teachers’ uniform, to the amusement of all the teachers and administration.


Elena Dietz is currently teaching at SMKN 4 Malang, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:00 pm
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