Influential Women

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To celebrate Women’s History Month, Fulbright ETA Alexandra Gwynn developed lessons with ETA Catherine Krol to prompt discussion about influential women in America and Indonesia. Students and teachers at SMKN 9 Malang learned about women in American history including Jerrie Mock, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Nancy Pelosi. They then researched and shared information about Indonesian women (i.e. Sri Mulyani, Indonesian Minister of Finance). Sharing stories about women connected students to role models and initiated important conversations.

Speaking of influential women, Denik Agustiningrum, Malang’s WORDS winner, spent March practicing for her upcoming performance in Jakarta. On March 4, ETA Alexandra met Denik’s family (rabbits, cats, chickens, and all) in Kabupaten Malang. Denik showed ETA Alexandra her father’s farming inventions that inspired her WORDS story. Denik took photographs for her storybook while ETA Alexandra taught her new ways to frame a shot.

From March 9-12, ETA Alexandra also attended Fulbright’s East Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, a country currently led by Taiwan’s first female president, Tsai Ing-wen. During the second week of March, ETA Alexandra shared teaching strategies and problem-solving techniques with fellow Fulbrighters and learned about various research projects. Her favorite workshops involved gender issues, mental health, and the preservation of indigenous identity. Exploring the night markets and Liberty Square left a lasting impression.

To wrap up a month of highlights, on March 16, ETA Alexandra joined Dr. Catur, Pak Arif, Bu Capri, ETA Liz Wallace, and ETA Ryan Ulrich at Environmental Social Cottage, home to over 1,000 homeless, for a ceramics workshop offered to 20+ psychiatric patients.

Alexandra Gwynn is currently teaching at SMKN 9 Malang, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:15 pm
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