Jam Sulahry
Award Year: 2017

Home institution: Boston College
School placement: SMAN 15 Padang, West Sumatra

Jam Sulahry graduated from Boston College as a Finance and Business Analytics major. He decided to pursue a Fulbright because he wanted to do something unorthodox from his group of friends – he loves getting out of his comfort zone. Whether it was leaving North Carolina to go to Boston, or taking classes outside of his major, he has always enjoyed the unknown. Also, he has always enjoyed teaching and has performed a facet of teaching over the past 7 years in some capacity. He is passionate about the NFL, particularly the Carolina Panthers, and he loves playing all types of sports. On the flip side, he really enjoys baking/cooking, but fair warning, he is not very good at it – he is passionate about it because he is trying to get better at it. He is most excited for the challenge to thrive in a completely new environment and to cultivate relationships with a lot of new people!

Last Updated: Sep 12, 2018 @ 1:56 pm
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