There were numerous occasions during April that ETA Neelam Vohra felt surrounded by love, compassion, and kindness that thinking about leaving the next month brought tears to her eyes. As April came to a close, Neelam focused on spending time with those who she would miss the most, including her fellow teachers at school, her English club students and her close friends. A highlight for the month was creating a last-minute club with several students who plan to take the TOEIC exam in September. These students asked if Neelam could meet during lunch several times a week and go over major grammar and listening exercises.
The students’ dedication to practicing impressed Neelam, as how they support each other and motivate each other to do better. Sometimes, Neelam listens quietly as the students explain various grammar points to each other. Other times, the students are cracking jokes about the voices in the listening exercises, asking questions about Neelam’s life in America, or begging to continue practice instead of returning to class. Neelam is happy that she was able to be a part of building their friendships, as she is sure that these students will continue to be friends, partners and work together to reach their English language goals, even after she has left Indonesia.
Neelam Vohra is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung
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