The last week of March was an especially memorable one for ETA Nageen Sherani! She spent her time off from school with her mother who came for a short visit to Indonesia. They were both excited to see parts of Indonesia together and also each other. After exploring Jakarta for a bit, the pair headed to Yogyakarta where they learned about the unique history of Borobodur and got to see its massive architecture in person. Her mother’s favorite part was attending a Batik lesson to make her very own Batik motif–a small piece of Indonesia she’s excited to take back with her!
While they enjoyed their time on Java, they saved the best for last. The two headed to Bangka, a place that has been home for Nageen for the past 8 months. Her mother spent the longest time in Bangka, visiting the school, meeting teachers and sharing meals with friends from the community. Nageen loved how enthusiastically her English Club students welcomed her mother and planned a picnic for them at the beach. Her mother tried local food from Bangka that one of the student’s mother prepared while the students shyly asked questions about her impressions of Indonesia and their hometown. All in all, this trip was a bonding experience full of moments that both mother and daughter will remember! And Nageen is grateful for all the friends in the community who’ve made the experience so memorable.
Nageen Sherani is currently teaching at SMAN 3 Pangkal Pinang, Bangka
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