New Connections In East Lombok

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After an exhausting two-day hike to and from Mt. Rinjani, ETA Janika Berridge spent the following day forming new connections in East Lombok. Local Hamzanwadi University student Fatihin hosted Janika and site-mate Lucy at BestOne Education, an English education center organized by members of the university’s English department. Janika and Lucy were welcomed by Fatihin and lecturer Junaidi “Pak Jun” Marzuki and his family, who were excited to learn that the ETAs were part of AMINEF (with which they were familiar). Following that moment of exchange, Janika and Lucy joined Fatihin and friend Yuniar on a rainy adventure to a waterfall. They rode through the vivid landscapes of East Lombok before walking barefoot across rice fields and down the steep path to the water.

It was everyone’s first time swimming in the rain.

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That evening, Fatihin handed his English class over to Janika and Lucy, who began the lesson with a classic tongue twister. Students were then invited to write one word on the board associated with Indonesia and another for the US. Though there were many differences, students agreed that both countries were beautiful. Lucy also encouraged students to think about deeper similarities such as diversity and democracy.

The night ended with an acoustic guitar around a fire, with new friends already offering Janika and Lucy a place to stay should they ever return to East Lombok. Given all the unfinished conversations and places they were unable to visit, a return might just be in order.

Janika Berridge is currently teaching at SMAN 2 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan.

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