Ni Putu Ade Resmayani
Award Year: 2017

Ni Putu Ade Resmayani is currently teaching  Indonesian language at University of Puget Sound.

Through FLTA Program, she wish to refine her teaching skills and obtain valuable experience in teaching Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian culture in the U.S.

She earned her Bachelor’s degree in English Education from Universitas Mataram in 2013 and recently completed her Master’s degree in the same field of study at Universitas Negeri Malang in 2016.

Upon the completion of the program, she intends to return home to continue teaching English at Lembaga Pendidikan Kompetensi Nasional (LPKN) Training Center, Mataram, and encourage people in her hometown to learn English as a way to see the world. She will share her U.S experience from the program with her colleagues, her students and societies in her hometown through workshops, formal and informal discussion sessions, seminar, and teaching learning activities.

Last Updated: Oct 2, 2018 @ 4:18 pm
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