Rudi Safarudin is originally from Palu – Central Sulawesi. He pursues his study in pharmacoepidemiology in the Department of Pharmaceutical Systems and Policy at West Virginia University. He is inspired to take that field of study because Indonesia, as one of the tropical countries with unique and diverse diseases and different patient characteristics compared to other developed countries, is still one step behind in new drug discovery and drug therapy evaluation. He hopes that he can contribute to drug discovery and therapy evaluation, especially related to infections and chronic diseases such as cancer, which will enrich Indonesia with the world study on evidence-based medicine.
Rudi earned his bachelor’s degree and a professional degree in pharmacy from Hasanuddin University and two masters in clinical pharmacy and clinical epidemiology from Universitas Indonesia. Before his Fulbright award, Rudi worked as a lecturer in pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Tadulako University in Palu – Central Sulawesi.