School Visits + Taiwan Trip

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The Fulbright ETAs of East Asia Pacific were lucky enough to congregate in Taiwan for a three-day conference at the beginning of March. During this experience, Fulbright ETA Catherine Krol was able to connect with ETAs and researchers from the 20 or so countries that Fulbright has a program in and discuss similarities and differences between the various countries where we are stationed. The event consisted of cultural showcases such as traditional dances, workshops that discussed implementing culturally relevant lessons and discussing social issues such as rural vs urban living. By the end of the event, Catherine felt like she learned a great deal about not only other countries but how her host country is unique in and of itself.

The other important events during the month of March were some school visits around Malang and East Java. Catherine was able to meet many SMP (junior high school) and SMA (senior high school) students who showed their visible excitement for meeting a foreigner and being able to practice their English. They listened with wide eyes as Catherine explained the experience of living in a diverse America and eating snow in the winter.

Finally, March was filled with preparations for the upcoming National WORDS Competition in Jakarta on April 4, 2019. Local competition student winner Rachel Qurrotu’Aini Alexandra has worked very hard singing and storytelling and drawing in order to perform impressively at the competition this year.

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Catherine Krol is currently teaching at MAN 1 Malang, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:20 pm
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