SMK 1 Holds English Singing Competition for International Education Week

Nate Danielson (1)

For International Education Week, the students at SMK 1 Beringin competed for the best English song performance. Over thirty students competed in the event, where spectators listened to everything from Celine Dion to Creed. The students were assessed based upon four categories: voice, English pronunciation, stage performance, and song dynamics.

Nate Danielson (1)

The event was organized by ETA Nathan Danielson and members of the English Club at the school, including teachers and student announcers that gave commentary and instruction in English and Indonesian. As the students at the school were naturally practicing and preparing for Teachers Week, which coincided with International Education Week, the English Singing Competition was a great opportunity for students to spectate or participate, without missing class time. Nathan gave out a total of six trophies with certificates and cash prizes to the winners of the competition. The competition served as a great promotion of the school’s new English Club to curious students and great practice for future events.

Nate Danielson (2)

Nathan Danielson is currently teaching at SMKN 1 Beringin in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

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