Time to Practice!


This month, ETA Jam Sulahry had a close friend, Chris, from college come and visit him in Padang. Chris and Jam wanted to find a way to incorporate English in a fun way with the students since they would be stressed due to exam week. Jam and Chris had a bag of 500 warheads (unknown to people of Padang) and 500 Oreos. Jam and Chris would go to the quad and around the school and visit classrooms asking students trivia and/or questions in English. If students answered they would give their candy and Oreos as prizes for speaking in English.

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By the end of the day, they went around to classrooms just to start giving away candy/snacks to boost morale! Even though there weren’t classes in session, Jam wanted to make sure there could be some involvement at the school regardless. Additionally, the students at SMAN 15 were able to meet another foreigner and increase their understanding of diversity in America.

Jam Sulahry is currently teaching at SMAN 15 Padang, West Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:26 pm
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