Volleyball Game

Sheldon rev

One of the first things that ETA Sheldon Ruby learned after arriving in Tanjungbalai is that his students are incredibly active. Each evening and on the weekends, students take over the courtyard of the school to play basketball, soccer, volleyball, and badminton. On most days, the students just play against one another, but occasionally, students from other schools come to the courtyard for games against SMA Sisingamangaraja students. On these occasions, Sheldon likes to watch his students play from the windows of his dormitory, so that he does not distract the other team. However, this past week he had a front row seat to his students’ volleyball game, sitting behind the opposing team so he did not distract them from the game. It was heartening for Sheldon to see how excited his students got playing the game and the great sportsmanship they showed to the opposing team. SMA Sisingamangaraja just needs a mascot now!

Sheldon Ruby is currently teaching at SMA Sisingamangaraja, Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:11 pm
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