
On the 10th of February, ETA Kelly Richard corralled a group of 13 English students into the hall before the big WORDS competition. She told them to take a deep breath, to be confident, and that no matter what, after they presented they would get a piece of candy. All of the students were nervous and excited. Kelly made sure that the judges were ready, and the competition began.

By the end of the few short hours, Kelly was beaming with pride. Her sweet and hardworking kiddos had all performed incredibly well, showcasing their talents, their creativity, and their presentation skills. She was thankful for the score sheets from the judges (she never would have been able to choose a winner). Together, they tallied up all the scores, and found their winner! It was such an exciting afternoon. After the awards were given out, all of the students went home, both happy and sad, but all a little more confident in themselves.

That night, Kelly got a message from a few of the students who had competed. It was a flyer for an English drama competition. “Miss! Can we do this?!” the message read. Kelly was so happy that her students wanted to continue to compete and show off their talents at future events.

Kelly Richard is currently teaching at SMKN 6 Surabaya, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:11 pm
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