Embarking on a Fulbright grant means finding new ways to celebrate the holidays for many ETAs. Fortunately, home did not feel too far away for ETA Emma Muth, whose mother was able to visit for New Year’s.
Emma and her mother celebrated with a visit to a tea plantation, a waterfall hike, and martabak with her counterpart’s family. Emma’s mother, an elementary school principal in the United States, loved learning more about the Indonesian education system. She met many of Emma’s coworkers in the teacher’s room and spent some time with the headmaster, Pak Bambang, as well.
Emma’s mom was surprised to see headmasters often return to the classroom after four years as administrators—a much different career path than those taken by most principals in the United States! Emma, her mother, and her counterpart also started to discuss various ways their schools could collaborate in the upcoming semester. Emma is very excited to work on these projects and get back in the classroom in the new year.
Emma Muth is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Temanggung, Central Java.
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