Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals Edition

Retty Dwi Handayani studies public health policy and management at Emory University. She focuses on the foundation of the health systems and how to apply political analysis to address issues related to the accessibility and affordability of safe and qualified medicines. She considers the importance of a stronger position to lead and develop effective policies.. Read More.

Under the Humphrey fellowship, Hari Nugroho studies substance abuse education, treatment, and prevention at Virginia Commonwealth University. His main interests are adolescent substance abuse, digital intervention, and integrating substance use disorder treatment into primary care. After completing the program, he is eager to use his knowledge to help influence policymaking to provide accessible, affordable, and.. Read More.

As a Humphrey Fellow, Dody Darsono studies urban and regional planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He plans to use his Humphrey grant to learn more about linkages between environmental policy and climate change and to explore solutions to pressing issues in Indonesia’s water and sanitation sector. Knowledge in these fields is needed to.. Read More.

As a Humphrey Fellow, Andress Hamenda is studying law and human rights at the University of Minnesota. He plans to use his Humphrey grant to expand his network and improve his knowledge and skills to protect and promote human rights and design advocacy strategies and policy recommendations. Andress graduated with a bachelor’s degree in management.. Read More.

Through the Humphrey Fellowship, Tony Aditya Herdianto is studying human and institutional development at the University of Minnesota. He is keen to understand better how political processes affect programs to change society on the ground. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Universitas Jember and a master’s from Universitas Gadjah Mada, both in international relations. Tony.. Read More.

Under the Humphrey fellowship, Rima Hasanah studies economic development, finance, and banking at Boston University. She is the head of the Subdivision of Expert Staff to the Minister’s Secretariat at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Jakarta. In her current position, she provides substantive and administrative support to the expert staff of the.. Read More.

Mohammad Rifki Akbari studies economic development at Boston University. He is keen to learn about public policy innovations that use rigorous and innovative approaches such as behavioral insights to build a strong evidence-informed policymaking culture to reduce poverty with limited funding resources. Rifki is a program manager of customer protection in financial services at Dewan Nasional.. Read More.

Olsa Riharsya will study natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change at Cornell University. Noting that issues of wastewater management issues are currently so crucial in Indonesia, her Humphrey Fellowship will increase her technical knowledge beyond the economic and financial perspective. Olsa has been a project supervisor at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.. Read More.

Sri Mulyani is studying human resources planning and policy at the University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs with a view to helping protect Indonesian overseas workers through planning tools based on the needs of the community and tools to help in monitoring and evaluating the overseas work process. Sri is the program director.. Read More.

Fathimah Handayani is the Forest Product Industry Performance Analyst of Directorate of Forest Processing and Marketing at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta. Previously, she was stationed in Balai Pemantauan Pemanfaatan Hutan Produksi (Monitoring of Production Forest Utilization Office) Area XV Makassar-South Sulawesi for 3 years where she began as a staff at Monitoring.. Read More.