Girls Do Indeed Play Soccer

Sheldon1 edited

Last month, ETA Sheldon Ruby learned in an English Club meeting that girls at his school were not permitted to join the school soccer team, which inspired him to create a soccer team just for the girls at his school. After hearing teachers and students regularly use the phrase, “Be a boy, answer the question,” Sheldon believed that a girls’ soccer team could give girls more confidence to speak up in class and inspire them to reject popular gender stereotypes within their community.

Sheldon was pleased that so many girls were brave enough to show up to the first soccer practice. For most, this two hour practice was the first time that they ever kicked a soccer ball. The girls enthusiastically stepped out of their comfort zone and learned how to kick, trap, and dribble the ball. They did all of this despite other students pointing and watching. Their bravery and perseverance is inspiring!

Sheldon Ruby is currently teaching at SMA Swasta Sisingamangaraja Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:30 pm
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