November 2017 Edition

Welcome to the 2017-18 Cohort’s November edition of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights. November marked the end of the semester for our ETAs, Co-teachers, and their students. Many classes celebrated with parties, review games, and oleh-oleh prizes. A common theme that emerged this month, was the tradition of gratitude and Thanksgiving. ETAs reflected on their experience thus far and shared their gratitude with both their schools and communities. Read on to hear about why the ETAs have so much to be thankful for this year!

Many thanks to all of the ETAs for their wonderful stories and photos.

Be sure to get next month’s newsletter!

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams


We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is most fun or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more. Email us at: and we’ll post your feedback in the next newsletter and you may win a special thank-you gift from us. 

The Giving Tree

The week following up to Thanksgiving, ETA Nageen Sherani and students from her English Club and Conversation Group read a children’s short story called “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. The book, in part, was selected to convey the larger themes surrounding the American holiday such as giving and gratefulness. Post-reading, Nageen asked the students.. Read More.

Giving Thanks

ETA Amy Quirion celebrated Thanksgiving with her students on Thursday, November 23rd. Although it was hard being away from family, her students and teachers made it a memorable day. Amy taught her students the meaning behind Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful. They had activities that talked about showing gratefulness and being thankful for.. Read More.

Wedding Party Fun

Over the past four months, ETA Arshelle Carter has attended countless wedding parties. On November 17, Arshelle traveled six hours with nine other teachers and the headmaster of SMK Stella Maris Labuan Bajo to attend the wedding party of a fellow teacher in Cibal. Fortunately, Arshelle had the luxury of riding with her headmaster in.. Read More.

The Tale of Two Kingdoms

On Saturday, November 11th, ETA Khalid Osman took part in a field trip to Yogyakarta with the school English Club. The group spent the morning at Merapi Park, which commemorated the 2010 volcano eruption. Following the park visit, they attended a tour at a private museum which documented the history of the Yogyakarta Sultanate. Khalid.. Read More.

Guess the Celebrity

ETA Nabeel Ahmad partook in ETA Ian Morse’s English club in MAN 2 Batuda’a, after Ian invited Nabeel. Ian’s English club had about thirty students, all of whom were eager to see Nabeel from SMAN 1 Limboto. At the start of the meeting, Nabeel introduced himself and we played a game called “Guess the Celebrity”… Read More.

Malcolm X Lesson

An activity that ETA Matt Poissant really loves using in the classroom is called Speed Reading so he was really excited when the topic for this week was recount text. After his co-teacher, Ibu Emma, explained the purpose and structure of recount text, Matt was able to get the activity started. Matt posted 3 copies.. Read More.

Last Class of the Semester!

ETA Katia Oltmann’s monthly highlight of November was finishing up classes for the semester and getting a chance to take a group picture with her students! The last lesson she taught for the year was especially important to her. It was a lesson about reading comprehension that incorporated a lot of concepts that students had.. Read More.


In November, for the first time in his life, ETA Alex Bue held a four-day-old baby who had been named after him. Alexa’s mother is Bu Le Ani, who works at SMAN 11 Padang as a maid and in the evening conscripts her three assiduous children to the task of sweeping floors. In the morning,.. Read More.

Deja Vu of the Welcoming Ceremony

This month ETA Kyra Ghosh participated in a traditional welcoming ceremony with her school. Back in August, her school hosted a welcoming ceremony for her within minutes of her arrival to Labuan Bajo. It was her first impression of the school, Flores, and even one of her first impressions of Indonesia in general. The ceremony.. Read More.

Can You Feel the Love?!

This past month ETA Jam Sulahry had the opportunity to get involved with the local community. One of Jam’s teachers called him at 6 am on a Saturday morning telling him to come to the school immediately. Confused, once he arrived at school he was welcomed by tons of friendly faces, delicious food, and stunning.. Read More.

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