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Teaching the Teachers English

Since the arrival of ETA Luke Losié at SMAS Nurul Ilmi in Padangsidimpuan, many of the teachers have sought to improve their English in addition to the students. At the request of the school headmaster and many teachers, Luke has started to run a Teachers’ English Course. In addition to his regularly scheduled English classes with the senior high schoolers, Luke has been teaching a class after school hours on Thursdays and Fridays for teachers who are enthusiastic about learning English. The course started the last week of September and has continued throughout October.

Luke enjoys the energy and excitement of the teachers who choose to attend this extra class. Most of the teachers who come are eager to find ways to use English in their classes. For example, during the second week, on October 5, teachers learned to inquire about a late or absent student’s whereabouts in English. The week prior, the teachers discussed greeting their classes in English and taking attendance. Of course, many of the teachers attending the course have not studied English since they were in high school themselves. The varying English skill levels of the teachers make this class exciting for Luke, as many teachers are eager to help their classmates. Because of the overwhelming support of the other teachers and their passion for learning English, Luke intends to continue this course throughout his grant period.

Luke Losie is currently teaching at SMAS Nurul Ilmi Padang Sidimpuan, North Sumatra.

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