This month, ETA Kelly Richard went on a field trip to Jogjakarta with the tourism students at her school! They left early on a Thursday morning and took a 10-hour bus ride before reaching their final destination. During the ride, students practiced giving “bus tours” of different locations in Java. Kelly enjoyed facilitating and giving constructive criticism during these presentations as well as watching the beautiful scenery during the ride!
In Jogjakarta, the tourism students really put their professional hats on and took great care of Kelly. They led her around Prambanan Temple, the night market, a mountain destination called “1000 Rocks” and a nearby beach. While seeing the beautiful sites and bonding with the tourism teachers was definitely a highlight of the trip, Kelly enjoyed spending time with her amazing students, chatting in English and Indonesian, exploring the area, taking photos and sharing snacks the most.
Kelly Richard is currently teaching at SMKN 6 Surabaya, East Java
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