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A Food Focused Lesson

ETA Natalie Suh’s 10th-grade students have been working hard on procedural texts this month. Students learned about the structure of procedural text, ordinal words, and present tense verbs. Her students are always excited by the topic of food, so she decided to have the students create and present their own recipes. Many students chose local favorites like soursop (sirsak) juice, corn cheese (jasuke: jagung, susu, keju), and spicy cassava chips (keripik singkong). Thus, it was also a great opportunity for Natalie to learn from her students how to make these delicious foods.

In groups, students wrote their recipes in their notebooks and then created drawings to go along with each step. The drawings helped students remember the verb in each step. Students then presented their recipes to the rest of the class. The students were all very supportive of one another. One of the students kindly brought in some keripik singkong that he made himself to share with the class on the day of the presentation. It was spicy, sweet, and delicious. It is also now Natalie’s favorite snack!

Natalie Suh is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.

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