Sweet Lessons (Are Made of This)

ETA Molly Gleason and her co-teachers at SMK3 Pekanbaru were determined to make their lesson on active and passive voice engaging and interactive for grade 11 students. The class began with a game of Kahoot, a popular online quiz platform, to review verb tenses. The students competed against each other, answering questions and racing against time. The atmosphere was lively, with students cheering and laughing as they tried to outdo their peers.

Next, the co-teachers introduced the concept of active and passive voice, explaining the difference between the two and providing examples. They illustrated how to identify and use them correctly in sentences. To help the students practice, Molly played the song “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” by Eurythmics and gave the students a handout with blanks that needed to be filled in with the correct passive phrases. The students listened to the song and filled in the blanks, singing along and enjoying themselves while learning. Molly and the co-teachers walked around the room, offering guidance and assistance when needed. At the end of the lesson, Molly asked the students to share their answers with a partner or in small groups. This allowed them to reinforce their understanding of the material and get feedback from their peers. The students left the classroom feeling confident and motivated. Despite an active and passive voice not being the most exciting topic, Molly and the co-teachers felt assured that the lesson was enjoyable and effective for the students and themselves.

Molly Gleason is currently teaching at SMKN 3 Pekanbaru, Riau.

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