Back to the Basics (Board)!

Over the last five months, ETA Lily Rhinehart has had one goal for her classes: to have fun and create a welcoming learning environment at her school. She has tried many different games and activities with her co-teachers and classes, but one that has reigned supreme is called Back to the Board, which was implemented in the last week of January.

For each round of the game, two students represent two different teams. The two students cannot see the word written on the board, and their team must mime it for them to guess. The first team to reach five months wins the game, and by the end of each game, the students were all out of their seats, cheering each other on and participating enthusiastically with laughs and smiles.

Although it was a seemingly small activity, to ETA Lily, it signified something much greater: that finally, she had reached a place with her students where they could let loose and be themselves. Between all of the students’ laughs, funny, competitive remarks, and cheering, it reminded her to cherish the moments and connections made in such a special experience of an ETA. She has treasured getting to know her students more personally over the last five months and is looking forward to forwarding these connections for the next three months!

Lillian “Lily” Rhinehart is currently teaching at SMAN 4 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

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