February 2018 Edition

Welcome to the 2017-18 Cohort’s February edition of the Fulbright ETA Monthly Highlights. This month our ETAs were busy planning conferences and their local WORDS Storytelling Competitions. The ETAs are now in the second half of their grant and are eager to use their Indonesian and cultural understanding to create programs and events that respond to their community’s wants and needs. Read on to find out more about what our ETAs have been up to in the month of February!

Many thanks to all of the ETAs for their wonderful stories and photos.

Be sure to get next month’s newsletter!

AMINEF American Program and Communications Teams


We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is most fun or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more. Email us at: socmedia@aminef.or.id and we’ll post your feedback in the next newsletter and you may win a special thank-you gift from us. 

WORDS Competition

This month was quite the busy month for ETA Amy Quirion and her students. When she announced there would a competition at school where the winner goes to Jakarta and possibly Flores, dozens of students from each class wanted to join. From the first day of her announcement upon returning back to school after the.. Read More.

Pen Pal Exchange and Competition Prep

This month, ETA Greg Sutton initiated a pen pal exchange between his English club students and ETA Katia Oltmann’s English club students from Manado. He began by teaching his club a lesson about culture, its aspects, and how to appropriately communicate with people from other contexts. His English club discussed cultural differences between Indonesia and.. Read More.

Building an English Corner!

The idea for ETA Nitika Johri’s Community Engagement Project, the English Corner, started when a few English teachers and students asked her to create a space for English in the school. There was a corner in the library that had seats but never attracted any students. This corner became the perfect opportunity for an English.. Read More.


To include the Super Bowl in English club, ETA Kate Morrow thought it would be best to share the rules of the game with students. Instead of tackle or touch football, however, students at SMKN 3 Pangkalpinang played vocabulary football! Luckily, the afternoon sun was low enough in the sky that there was a large.. Read More.

Black History Month

In the month of February, ETA Nageen Sherani celebrated Black History Month with her English Club students and a few of her classes. The lesson was an opportunity to practice Recount Text while learning and honoring the contributions of notable African Americans. Students read mini biographies of famous activists, inventors, scientists, athletes, artists, and actors,.. Read More.


On the 10th of February, ETA Kelly Richard corralled a group of 13 English students into the hall before the big WORDS competition. She told them to take a deep breath, to be confident, and that no matter what, after they presented they would get a piece of candy. All of the students were nervous.. Read More.

A New Space to Learn

This month, the English classroom received a makeover at MAN 1 Kendari! Inspired by ETA Sam Chen’s project to transform his English classroom into a collaborative and discussion centered learning space, ETA Meghan Cullinan worked with her co-teachers to transform the English Laboratory at their school into a more effective learning space for their students… Read More.

Conjunction Junction

ETA Matt Poissant tried out a new activity with class XI MIA 2 at MAN Demak. The previous week students were studying cause and effect conjunctions. That study continued into this week so Matt developed this activity to help them both practice their creativity and their use of cause and effect conjunctions. To begin the.. Read More.

Volleyball Game

One of the first things that ETA Sheldon Ruby learned after arriving in Tanjungbalai is that his students are incredibly active. Each evening and on the weekends, students take over the courtyard of the school to play basketball, soccer, volleyball, and badminton. On most days, the students just play against one another, but occasionally, students.. Read More.

Moving Towards an Enjoyable English Classroom Workshop (1)

ETA Nabeel Ahmad spearheaded an English language workshop in Gorontalo in conjunction with MGMP Brighters, the English teachers committee of Gorontalo. ETAs Ian Morse, Meghan Cullinan, Katia Oltmann and English Language Fellow Alicia Bradley were guest presenters in the full day workshop. Over 120 English teachers from the Gorontalo province attended and learned new take.. Read More.

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